Bolingbrook: (331) 318-7985
469 S. Weber Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60490
Mokena: (331) 318-8904
19622 South La Grange Rd. Mokena, IL 60448
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While it may be an obvious decision for some people, others have a hard time deciding if braces are right for them or not. If you one of these people, and need a little help making this big decision, here are some ways to tell if you need braces:

  1. You have crowded or crooked teeth. This is perhaps the number one reason people make the decision to get braces. Crooked and crowded teeth are often times the reason why people are embarrassed of their smile, making braces the best way to achieve a straight and beautiful one.
  2. Your bite is misaligned. When your bite isn’t properly aligned, you not only can experience discomfort or difficulty chewing, but you are also at risk for suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). No matter if you have a crossbite, underbite, or overbite, it is critical to ensure that you are correcting this issue with the proper orthodontic treatment, especially in order to prevent any other major dental health issues.
  3. Chewing your food is difficult. Misaligned teeth often cause people to have a difficult time chewing their food, which can quickly become a health and safety issue when not treated properly.
  4. Your jaw makes “clicking” sounds. If your jaw makes a clicking sound or shifts while chewing, you can potentially have a developmental issue with your teeth and jaw. However, by getting braces, you can correct these developmental issues and stop the shifting and sounds in your jaw line.

Beauty Smile Orthodontics offers a variety of orthodontic treatments in order to give you a happy, healthy smile. Contact Beauty Smile Orthodontics today to set up your consultation.