Bolingbrook: (331) 318-7985
469 S. Weber Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60490
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19622 South La Grange Rd. Mokena, IL 60448
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With the spring and summer season, often comes the participation in athletic activities. And if you are a patient with braces, it is critical that you are protecting your smile.

From tooth breakage, to nerve damage, to tooth loss, failure to protect your teeth with a mouthguard can be detrimental, often resulting in a variety of orthodontic injuries.

Athletic mouth guards are not only designed to protect your teeth, but are designed to do so comfortably and non-intrusively, coming in a variety of forms in order to suit one’s specific needs or preferences.

The Different Types Of Mouthguards

According to the American Dental Association, a good mouthguard should be easy to clean, fit your teeth properly, be comfortable to wear, and resist tearing or damage, and should not restrict speech or breathing.

From mouthguards made of soft plastic, to laminate ones, there are several choices when it comes to effectively protecting your teeth.

  • Custom Fabricated Mouth Guards- Custom fabricated mouth guards are created and customized by taking an impression of your teeth, then fabricating it to perfectly suit your smile. Many athletes prefer custom mouth guards since they are typically the most comfortable option, as well as tend to last longer and are more discreet than others. While a custom mouth guard may not be for every athlete, they are something to consider if you are a serious athlete. It is important to remember that these custom mouth guards do require time to complete.
  • Boil and Bite Mouth Guards- A boil and bite mouth guard is a semi-customizable mouth guard that can be done at home. By heating the specialized thermoplastic, you are able to manually shape it by biting it and allowing it to cool, forming your mouth guard.
  • Standard Stock Mouth Guards- Standard mouth guards are typically designed to be one-size-fits all, and are readily available at most sporting goods stores. However, since these mouth guards are mass produced, they may not feel as comfortable or provide adequate protection, especially if you have braces or orthodontic appliances.

For more information on how to protect your smile, and to see what type of mouthguard may be right for you and your needs, contact Beauty Smile Orthodontics today!