Bolingbrook: (331) 318-7985
469 S. Weber Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60490
Mokena: (331) 318-8904
19622 South La Grange Rd. Mokena, IL 60448
Accepts Most Insurances
Convenient Evening & Saturday Hours Available

From braces, to palatal expanders, to retainers, you may experience pain or discomfort at some point during your orthodontic treatment. In the event that you do, here are some helpful tips to help make your orthodontic treatment a little less painful:

Use a pain reliever. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol can help to reduce discomfort. This can be helpful when taking it before your appointment, as well. Be sure to only take a pain reliever when necessary, consulting with your orthodontist in order to determine what the best pain reliever is for you and your specific needs. Use oral anesthetics, such as Orajel and Anbesol, as well, which will aid in immediate pain relief.

Use a cold compress. A cold compress or an icepack, is a great way to reduce the inflammation, which, in turn, will decrease any discomfort or pain you may be experiencing.

Use dental wax. Dental wax is extremely beneficial in protecting mouth and gums from protruding brackets or wires. They can also aid in preventing any scrapes or sores that can occur from your braces.

Eat the right foods. Eating foods like yogurt, smoothies, and ice cream, and drinking ice water are all beneficial in helping to dull any aches and pains. However, remember to avoid chewing on ice since this can cause major damage to orthodontic appliances. It is also important to avoid eating any hard or crunchy foods, only limiting yourself to eating soft foods like pudding, mashed potatoes, and soup, especially when you are experiencing a sore mouth.

Use salt water. Simply by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water several times a day, or when your mouth is sore, you can help soothe and heal sore mouths quickly.

For more information on how Beauty Smile Orthodontics can help you with your brighter smile for a brighter future, contact us today.