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The most typical question regarding braces is if they are painful or uncomfortable to wear. After the orthodontic wire is placed into the newly inserted brackets, slight pain or discomfort may persist for a few days. The truth is that braces do not hurt when fitted to the teeth, so there’s no need to be concerned about the installation session.

Most people experience some soreness during the first week after their braces are fitted and following a wire adjustment or activation session. It may take a week for your lips and cheeks to acclimate to the braces on your teeth.

Here’s a rundown of things to anticipate when getting braces:

Placement Day

The installation of the braces shouldn’t be uncomfortable at all. It may take longer to eat after the braces are set, but this is primarily due to the time it takes to adapt to having the braces and learning to eat with them. The teeth may be a bit hypersensitive in some situations. For the first few days after braces are placed, difficult-to-chew meals should be avoided favouring a lighter, more liquid-based diet. As the day passes, you may experience a little discomfort as your teeth begin to shift.

Few Days After Getting Braces

The first few days after getting braces might be a bit painful. This is because the teeth are realigning and are not used to the tension of the wire and elastic ties. Your orthodontist should provide and demonstrate how to apply orthodontic wax to the braces as needed. Wax smoothes the surface of the braces and soothes inflammation on the inner cheeks and lips. Additionally, if no allergies are present, over-the-counter pain medication may be used as prescribed in conjunction with regular saltwater rinses to reduce the discomfort.

A Week After Getting Braces

Any soreness caused by the braces should be pretty much gone or minimised after five to seven days. Your teeth will have gradually adapted to the braces, and eating should be way easier. Some hard meals may remain difficult for the wearer to chew, but you can resume regular eating at this time. Avoid any meals that are considered to be brace breakers.

Dental Visits

Regular orthodontic visits are required for wire changes, changing the elastic bands or metal clips around the braces, making brace adjustments, and monitoring orthodontic treatment progress. Braces operate by gently shifting teeth into appropriate alignment; thus, modest activations may be used during your regular adjustment appointments. The first few days following an orthodontic correction or receiving a new wire may be a little painful, but keep in mind that this discomfort will rapidly disappear.

Handling Discomfort

Every orthodontic pain may be appropriately treated. If possible, start the pain medication before the discomfort appears and continue it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic relief wax will help relieve any pain and discomfort caused by braces fitting and orthodontic adjustment sessions. Other effective and beneficial treatments include rigorous saltwater rinses and chewing sugar-free gum, which improves blood flow to the supporting tissues around the teeth, reduces orthodontic soreness/discomfort, and encourages the teeth to align faster.

Beauty Smile Orthodontics specializes in braces for adults and children, alike. If you are interested in seeing how we can help you to achieve a happy and healthy smile, contact us today.