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An orthodontist may recommend braces to align or straighten your teeth or aid with another dental issue such as a gap between teeth, underbite, or overbite.

Braces can significantly improve your teeth, but it might take weeks for your teeth to adapt to the increased pressure. You may feel some discomfort or soreness around your teeth and gums for the first few days.

However, according to those who have had braces, the most difficult change may be giving up some of your favourite meals. Some foods are prohibited when wearing braces because they can get trapped in or damage the braces.

Here’s what you should and shouldn’t eat while wearing braces, as well as what to do if you break your braces.

What To Eat After Getting Braces

Braces are not painful; however, your mouth may be sensitive for a few days after your appointment. As a result, chewing meals with a stiffer texture may cause pain.

Because you’ll also need to learn how to chew differently, your dentist will probably advise you to eat only soft meals for the first few days.

Mashed potatoes, yoghurt, soups, oats, cereals, fish, boiled or soft vegetables, pastries, pasta, rice – everything that is easy to chew – are ideal meals to eat after getting braces.

Sensitivity will reduce after a few days of wearing braces. You’ll be able to continue your regular diet at that point.

What To Avoid Eating Immediately After Getting Braces

Besides understanding what foods you may eat after having braces, you should also be aware of what foodstuffs you should avoid eating immediately after getting braces.

Several things are safe to eat while wearing braces. Some “safe” meals may not be suitable to eat just after braces since they might irritate your lips and cheeks, generating too much tension and sensitivity.

Ice cream, chicken or meats, tubers (yam, potatoes, etc.), and citrus foods are foods to avoid immediately after bracing.

Once your teeth have adjusted to wearing braces, you will be able to consume these foods.

What To Completely Avoid Eating While You Have Braces

Remember that braces can damage easily, so you’ll need to avoid certain meals for as long as you have them. Sticky and hard foods, for example, might damage the wires or bands or cause a bracket to come off from a tooth.

Sticky and hard foods, for example, might damage the wires or bands or cause a bracket to come off from a tooth. You should avoid eating popcorn, nuts, ice, hard or chewy candy, crackers, cookies and biscuits, crunchy veggies or fruits, pretzels and chips.

Reduce your intake of sweet foods and beverages when wearing braces. When sugar and saliva combine, they form a sticky film (plaque) that covers the teeth.

Brushing your teeth will get rid of plaque, but it gets more difficult with braces. And there is a risk of infection and tooth decay if you cannot remove this sticky coating.

Beauty Smile Orthodontics specializes in braces for adults and children, alike. If you are interested in seeing how we can help you to achieve a happy and healthy smile, contact us today.