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Having crooked teeth is a common cause of self-esteem issues but the cosmetic implications of having crooked teeth are not the only reason you should get rhemfixed. The shape of your teeth can greatly affect the health of your teeth and even the structure of your face.

Crooked teeth have several causes. Long-term habits like sucking your thumb, genetics, any injury affecting the face, and poor nutrition could make your teeth crooked. But your misaligned teeth are more dangerous than you might think.

Why Are Crooked Teeth Dangerous?

Having crooked teeth can negatively impact your life and not just because they may make you feel self-conscious. They can lead to gum and teeth diseases that can be costly to correct and can lead to you even losing your teeth. They can also lead to:

  • Wear and Tear and Improper Bite

When your teeth are improperly positioned, they are more prone to wear and tear. This is due to the improper bite caused by the crookedness of the teeth. It makes you unable to chew your food properly and leaves you at a high risk of cracking your teeth just by eating.

Wear and tear means your teeth gradually break down and become weakened. This issue may stop at just having weak teeth or it may lead to a more serious condition known as Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder which causes severe pain in your jaws.

  • Migraines

Pressure tends to build on your teeth when you are unable to chew or breathe properly due to crooked teeth. People with misaligned teeth tend to grind or clench their teeth which can cause headaches and migraines.

  • Bad Breath and Gum Disease

Crooked teeth are difficult to keep clean due to their shape and crowdedness. This creates a safe space for bacteria to thrive and can lead to gum disease and bad breath. If not treated early, gum disease can lead to loss and decay of teeth.

  • Speech Problems

The position of your teeth affects the way you form and pronounce words. Misaligned teeth can make speech difficult and lead to permanent speech problems in adulthood.

How To Fix Crooked Teeth

Braces are one of the most common ways to straighten crooked teeth by gradually altering the position of your teeth. This gradual alteration happens because of the subtle pressure placed on the teeth by the brackets, wires, and bands of the braces.

If you do not like how visible braces are, there is the option of Invisalign. These are often called “clear braces” as they work in similar ways. Clear trays will be fitted over your teeth to gradually align them.

Another option available for severely misaligned teeth is headgear which is often worn at night and attached to the head with straps. It is often recommended for children rather than adults.

Don’t wait until your crooked teeth cause problems for you. Contact us today to avoid dental problems or if you want a smile you can show off without thinking twice.

Contact Beauty Smile Orthodontics for a consultation. We provide orthodontic treatment for every member of the family. Reach out to us here to achieve your smile goals.